Season Kick-off Match Heartland Harvester w/ Chaz Macrander NRLH Podcast Season 1 | Ep. 2

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Season Kick-off Match Heartland Harvester w/ Chaz Macrander NRLH Podcast Season 1 | Ep. 2

On today’s episode, Chaz Macrander joins Travis Ishida to talk about all things hunting, NRL Hunter’s inaugural 2021 Season’s kick-off match, what competitors can expect from the Heartland Harvester hunter-style match, and much more.

Chaz Macrander is an avid hunter, seasoned precision rifle match director, and all-around great guy who is hosting NRL Hunter’s 1st ever match, the Heartland Harvester. The event will be hosted February 19-21, 2021 in Nehawka, Nebraska, as part of a never before seen hunter-style series of matches.

NRL HUNTER, a division of National Rifle League (NRL), is a series of competitions for hunters by hunters. It brings a combination of ethical hunters and conservatists together in an innovative, competitive format for new and seasoned hunters to learn about their skills, gear, overall capabilities, and about local hunting terrains.

Learn more about Chaz’s background, hunting, the Heartland Harvester and more, on the PRC Podcast!

00:41 – Chaz’s Hunting Background
03:00 – Seeking Tactical-style precision rifle matches to improve capabilities for hunting
07:00 – Place of education and discovery
11:51 – Valuing the knowledge to better the odds
22:25 – Healthy respect for the Animal; Doing our Part
24:30 – Growing desire to harvest an animal to provide for family
27:15 – Spirit of the Hunters
28:21 – NRL Hunter and the Heartland Harvester
43:30 – Added Value & Train-up with Isaiah Curtis
57:15 – Match Itinerary & Format

Links –
NRL Hunter –
The Match “Heartland Harvester” –
Heartland Harvester Facebook –

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Release date:
22 January 2021

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