NRL Hunter series, For Hunters By Hunters w/ Scott Satterlee NRLH Podcast Season 1 | Ep. 1

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NRL Hunter series, For Hunters By Hunters w/ Scott Satterlee NRLH Podcast Season 1 | Ep. 1

On today’s episode, Scott Satterlee joins Travis Ishida to talk about the development of the NRL HUNTER series, its purpose and the opportunities to train for the moment, the match format, the Grand Slam, and much more.

NRL HUNTER, a division of National Rifle League (NRL), is a series of competitions for hunters by hunters. It brings a combination of ethical hunters and conservatists together in an innovative, competitive format for new and seasoned hunters to learn about their skills, gear, overall capabilities, and about local hunting terrains.

Unlike many other precision rifle competitions these matches will be geared towards practical hunting applications and designed to test all aspects of the competitors gear and skills. Matches will have blind stages meaning competitors will have to work as individuals to find range and engage targets within a set time frame. Competitors must carry all their gear throughout the entire match. The biggest two factors will be the rifles themselves. There will be 3 classifications: Open Heavy sub 16lbs, Open Light sub 12lbs, and Factory rifle which must meet a set power factor to qualify. Weight classification include everything mounted to the rifle such as scope, bipod, and sling but does not include the weight of the ammunition.

Learn more about Scott’s background, hunting, and more, on the NRL Hunter Podcast!

00:45 – Scott’s Hunting and Professional Background
13:25 – How & Why the hunter-style match format was developed?
16:46 – The Vision
20:03 – The Series; Utilizing Customer feedback to grow
24:34 – A Purpose; More than just a match; the platform to become a better harvester and know when you’ll be successful
32:05 – NRL Hunter match format; Exciting Tools and Solving Problems
54:18 – Leading up to the Grand Slam; An Ultimate Prize Package Revealed
56:34 – NRL Hunter matches in the inaugural 2021 Season
1:00:14 – Hunting Guides with client experience
1:03:18 – Background on Power factor; An exception for Factory Ammunition
1:05:35 – Going after Community’s Personal Goals; 1st Shot needs to matter more than the 2nd Shot
1:10:40 – Average Hunter; Preparations for the Actual Hunt (Physique / Shooting balance)
1:12:33 – NRL Hunter Podcast for the community; Subject Matters and learn from others

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Release date:
19 January 2021

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