2022 Heartland Harvester with Chaz Macrander NRLH Podcast Season 2 | Ep. 2

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2022 Heartland Harvester with Chaz Macrander NRLH Podcast Season 2 | Ep. 2

On today’s episode, Chaz Macrander joins Travis Ishida to talk about all things hunting, from youth hunting, the intimacy of bow hunting, a memorable hunt in South Africa, the 2022 Heartland Harvester hunter-style match, and much more!

Based out of Nehawka, NE, Chaz Macrander, has been a part of shooting education and sports for a while, and all-around great guy who is hosting the upcoming hunter-style match, 2022 Heartland Harvester. This event will be hosted in Nehawka, NE the weekend of February 18-20, 2022.

NRL HUNTER, a division of National Rifle League (NRL), is a series of competitions for hunters by hunters. It brings a combination of ethical hunters and conservationists together in an innovative, competitive format for new and seasoned hunters to learn about their skills, gear, overall capabilities, and about local hunting terrains.

Learn more about NRL Hunter, the 2022 Heartland Harvester, what to expect from it, the complimentary 4-hour train-up prior to the match, a fun side-match challenge, and more on the NRL Hunter Podcast!

01:05 – This Season’s Hunting Adventures
• Youth Hunting
• Heritage behind Rifle
9:45 – Bow Hunting and the Intimacy
15:55 – Hunting Nebraska
• Idea of Hunting by Different People
20:53 – Spot and Stalk; Play the Wind Right
• Calculated Movement
26:07 – Chaz’s South African Hunting Trip
53:37 – SA Stage using 458 WM
54:55 – 2022 Heartland Harvester hunter-style match at Private Range in Nehawka, NE
• 4-Hour Free Clinic
• Hunting in the Snow
• Rifle Prize: Zermatt Action, Manners LRH Stock
• Side-Match: Muzzleloader with Vortex Rangefinder for a 50% Chamber work on a Curtis Custom Weapon muzzleloader; proceeds go to Plattsmouth Youth Wrestling Club
01:02:31 – Nebraska weather in February
01:06:59 – Expectations for this Event
• Field-Style; Natural Terrain and Obstacle
01:09:40 – Chaz’s Pro-Tips for Heartland Harvester

Links –
2022 Heartland Harvester – https://nrlhunter.org/matches-2022/22-03/

Curtis Custom Weapons – curtiscustomweapons@gmail.com & https://www.instagram.com/6_banger/

If you enjoyed this podcast, make sure to subscribe to us on Soundcloud or iTunes for more episodes and write us a review! Share this episode with anyone interested in all things Hunting.

Do you have questions, comments, insight on the topics discussed today? Shoot an email to travis@nrlhunter.org with Subject: “NRL Hunter Podcast S2 E2”

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Website: https://nrlhunter.org/
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Release date:
6 January 2022

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