2025 MDT HUNTER CHALLENGE – Team Competitors

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2025 MDT HUNTER CHALLENGE – Team Competitors


Purchase this product if you’d like to compete as a Team with another competitor. If you’d like to compete an an Individual, instead purchase this product:


MDs:Dan Bertocchini and Brandon Bedart

DATE: April 4 – 6, 2025

LOCATION: Arbuckle, California

The 2025 MDT Hunter Challenge will take place in the foothills of Northern California in Arbuckle on Freedom Ranch. This 2,000 Acre Ranch hosts some of the best wild boar and blacktail hunting available in California and we’ll be shooting the match throughout the natural terrain and steep canyons of the ranch.

The weather can vary a bit this time of the year so be prepared for light rain or blue skies with colder temps in the morning.

With an estimated 18 hunting simulated stages, the round count will be 72-144, depending on first round impacts vs second round impacts, but bring extra for getting velocity/PF for your tiebreaker, and zero’ing your rifle. The average target distance will 555 yards, but expect anywhere from approximately 200-950 yards.

There are no refunds. Transfers will be accepted upon MD approval and via email. 


If you’d like to tag us on social media, we welcome you to use the hashtags #MDTHunterChallenge #NRLHunter #EveryEthicalEdge.


We’re looking forward to hosting you and helping you gain every ethical edge!


Team Division is for Teams consisting of 2 individuals. Scores will be the sum of both team member’s scores (possible 16 points per team per stage). Teams will be allotted a total of 6 minutes per stage, instead of the individual’s 4 minutes. If one team member is disqualified from competing the second team member may continue to compete, but not for score. Team member #1 must complete the stage or pass, and unload and show clear, before team member #2 may load and begin firing. Once team member #2 loads to begin the stage, team member #1 may not load again.

  1. Each member of the team must carry their own rifle. Support gear or ammunition may be divided among the team to best serve them. 
  2. Each team member may compete with a rifle meeting the requirements of Open Heavy Division (16lbs) or less.
  3. Listed matches shall allow a minimum of 10 teams to compete, however at the match director’s discretion they may allow additional teams to compete. The team division will have its own separate prize table and only the top team will be awarded a trophy. 
  4. Teams need to keep communication private while at a stage shooting area. Discussing ranges, locations or targets in obviously loud manner will scare away the game (stage will be ended and no more points awarded after a warning from the RO). This is to prevent hunters in the staging area from gaining a competitive advantage.
  5. Teams may use their rifle as an observation tool, however only one team member may have a loaded rifle at a time.

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SKU: NRLH_MHC_2025-TEAM Category:

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Factory, Open Light, Open Heavy, Ladies, Young Guns, Skills