Steel City Precision has over 600 acres of natural terrain in the hills of West Blocton outside of Birmingham, AL. This facility provides target views not common to typical ranges in the southeast. This match will challenge the shooters abilities to find, range and engage targets from 170 to 950 yards in a natural terrain environment. Tripods are recommended.
Due to the changing conditions in the area, it is highly encouraged to bring rain gear and items to keep your weapon and/or optics dry.
Due to the limited space on the roads and trails, Hunters will be walking to each stage. The walk each day should total approx. 1 mile. If injuries preclude a hunter from foot travel, please contact the Match Directors ahead of time to coordinate transportation from each stage. Water will be located throughout the area.
100 yard zero range available on Friday, we are working to have an area to confirm ballistic data out to 600 yards.
No refunds will be available but if you need to sell your slot just keep us in the loop and we can adjust as needed.
To help us reward and better secure quality ROs during the 2-day event, vetted individuals will be offered a complimentary match slot for the opportunity to complete all stages in 1-day timeframe (on the RO Shoot Day), for points amongst the other hunters and for prize eligibility. The opportunity at this is set to take place on the competitor Check-in Day.
*If you’re interested in ROing this event, please submit to the following RO Application: ALL RO SPOTS HAVE BEEN FILLED. Anyone may apply, however, space is limited and not guaranteed. Those who volunteer to RO but are not selected will have the option to purchase a slot.
If you’d like to tag us on social media, we welcome you to use the hashtags #NRLHSTEELCITYSAFARI #NRLHunter #EveryEthicalEdge.
We’re looking forward to hosting you and helping you gain every ethical edge
- 6:30AM – RO competitor safety briefing (Mandatory)
- 7:00AM – RO Shoot Day (all 20 stages for points & prizes amongst all hunters)
- Lunch Provided for ROs who are shooting
- 4:00PM – RO Weigh-in/Velocity at check-in table immediately after completion
- 1:00PM – 5:00PM – Hunter Check-in/Weigh-in/Velocity/Zero.
- 1:00PM – 5:00PM – Zero rifle, targets at distance
- 1:00PM – 5:00PM – Vendor Day
- 1:00PM – 5:00PM – Side matches
- 7:00AM – Hunter Safety Briefing
- 7:30AM – Hunters on stages
- 8:00AM – Intended time to begin hunting steel (10 – 12 Stages)
- Lunch Provided
- 3:00PM – Intended time of Day 1 completion (this may vary)
- 7:30AM – Hunters on stages
- 8:00AM – Intended time to begin hunting steel (6 – 8 Stages)
- Water Provided (encouraged to bring your own snacks as well)
- 2:00PM – Intended time of Day 2 completion (this will vary)
- Awards begin immediately after match completion. Delicious Taco Meal Provided.
- Location of Awards: TBA