Snake River Outdoorsman, ID

Apr 25–27, 2025 | Goldsmith Lane, Hammett Idaho


Apr 25–27, 2025
Seth Howard and Brian Neace
Goldsmith Lane, Hammett Idaho
Individual $285 / Team $570 / Skills $145


2025 Snake River Outdoorsman presented by Nightforce.

April 25-27, Goldsmith Lane, Hammett Idaho

This match is an opportunity to work on hunting situation shots. Target engagements will be between 100 and 1000 yards. This match is set up to mimic pressure situations of a Hunt. The terrain is a rocky desert hillside on the banks of the Snake River. This will be a varied and exciting course of fire, 180 degrees of fire, around a central camp location. There .5 mile hike to the firing line, with 200 ft of vertical. The firing line itself, is .8 miles, with 200ft of vertical. All of the targets will be animal based, and sized to get good practice for hunting animals. We strive to get hunters time with their equipment, to make competitors better at their craft.

Open entries will get to shoot the COF for score. This will include tracking points for the finale, a walk of the prize table, and other swag
Skills class will get to shoot the match and test their skills against a dynamic cof. We are limiting the number Skills entries. Any rifle under the 3275 fps speed limit may shoot. No weight restriction or power factor. Skills class will get Lunch Saturday, and Dinner Sunday. If you wish to get more experience in shooting NRL Hunter matches, please come check out our NRL games matches. Snake River Outdoorsman on the games page or on

Range Officers, we need your help to run the best match. You can shoot the match for score, on Friday. Saturday and Sunday you would help run a safe and fun match. Please contact us if you wish to be a RO.
Snake River Outdoorsmen will comp a Young Guns spot, with a paid adult. Limited number available.
We will provide Coffee and Donuts in the AM and Lunch on Saturday. We will have snacks and water available both days. Water will be in 5 gallon containers, with water bottles for sale to support the Glenns Ferry Wrestling program, or bring your own.

April 25: RO shoot day. Range officers will shoot the match for score on this day. If you wish to be a Range Officer, please reach out.

April 26: 8am to 11am Sight in and Demo Stages. We will weigh and chronograph your rifle @ this time.  We will also have demos available from multiple rifle manufacturers with live fire involved.  There will be multiple vendors setup with their equipment. This is a mandatory. After all sight in is complete, we will walk to our stages and begin the course of fire.

April 27: 8am till completion. Be on your stage at 8am to finish the COF. Imediately after the COF is shot we will go to the JK armament shop for the awards Ceremony.

Title Sponsor: Nightforce
Associate sponsors: Preferred Barrels, Kinport Peak rifles, Defiance Machine, Exo Mountain Gear, Hodgdon, Eberlestock, MDT, JK armament, Alpha Brass, and many more.


To help us reward and better secure quality ROs during the 2-day event, vetted individuals will be offered a complimentary match slot for the opportunity to complete all stages in 1-day timeframe (on the RO Shoot Day), for points amongst the other hunters and for prize eligibility. The opportunity at this is set to take place on the competitor Check-in Day.

*If you’re interested in ROing this event, please submit to the following RO Application: HERE. Anyone may apply, however, space is limited and not guaranteed. Those who volunteer to RO but are not selected will have the option to purchase a slot.


If you’d like to tag us on social media, we welcome you to use the hashtags #NRLH #NRLHunter #EveryEthicalEdge.

All sales are final—No refunds


by Match Director


Lodging: We have dry Camping available. Any Mountain Home Idaho Hotel will be a good location for a base.
[email protected]


Don Mills, CA
9:21 pm, Feb 18, 2025
weather icon 15°F
L: 14° H: 17°
light snow
Humidity 74 %
Pressure 1027 mb
Wind 24 mph W
Wind Gust Wind Gust: 0 mph
UV Index UV Index: 0
Precipitation Precipitation: 0 inch
Rain Chance Rain Chance: 0%
Visibility Visibility: 6 mi
Sunrise Sunrise: 7:11 am
Sunset Sunset: 5:51 pm


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