Spearpoint Ranch is located about 10 miles North of Lincoln, KS. We are right in the corner of the I-35 and I-70 intersection, approximately 25 miles from either interstate. Very easy to get to.
The range consists of rolling hills with plenty of cedars on the hillsides and creek bottoms with open fields.
Lunch will be provided Saturday and Sunday.
The course will cover about a mile and a half.
To help us reward and better secure quality ROs during the 2-day event, vetted individuals will be offered a complimentary match slot for the opportunity to complete all stages in 1-day timeframe (on the RO Shoot Day), for points amongst the other hunters and for prize eligibility. The opportunity at this is set to take place on the competitor Check-in Day.
*If you’re interested in ROing this event, please submit to the following RO Application: COMING SOON. Anyone may apply, however, space is limited and not guaranteed. Those who volunteer to RO but are not selected will have the option to purchase a slot.
If you’d like to tag us on social media, we welcome you to use the hashtags #NRLHunter #EveryEthicalEdge. #spearpointranch #spearpointprairiestampede
Timeline / Schedule FridayJune 13th, 2025 (RO’S) ROs can check zero at 100 yards before or after the mandatory safety brief. *Weigh in after you shoot the course. Friday RO Shoot DayJune 13th, 2025 ● 7:00 am Safety brief ● 8:00 am Start shooting at Shooter’s score counts for NRL hunter points and they walk the table according to finish in their class ● Lunch will be provided on the go ● 4:00 – 5:00 pm Weigh-in mandatory after completion of the course of fire in the competitor sight in zero areas Friday, June 13th (Competitors) ● 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm Check-in, weigh-in, velocity check. Zero/PF weigh-in and rifle marking. 100 Yd Board will be provided to all competitors. Saturday, June 14th ● 6:30 AM Hunter Safety brief ● Following completion of Safety brief Hunters go to stages and will immediately go HOT ● Lunch around 11 to 12 am “On the Go” ● 4:00 pm (Estimated) last stages completed for day one Sunday, June 15th ● 7:30 am Hunters on stages ready to go HOT ● 3:00 pm Estimated completion at ● MatchCeremony, prizes, and trophies at the Pavilion when all scores are tallied. ● Location of awards: Awards will be at the lodge on site.