Welcome to the 2025 NRL HUNTER Season and the first ever NRL HUNTER PRO-AM. Please read all the way through as this will answer many questions.
Location: This match is held at historic Gunsite in Paulden Arizona. Gunsite is a 3200-acre facility with onsite pro shop, gunsmith, and camping area. As this is a major training facility EYEPRO will be always required on the range side. Failure to comply will lead to dismissal from the match. Gates will be locked each morning so bring what you need for the day. Gunsite has multiple training programs going on during the same timeline so please follow the sign and don’t venture onto any unauthorized ranges. Competitors will be shuttled into the hunting area so plan accordingly as access to vehicles will not be available during the match. Contingency for poor weather conditions is to hike into the hunting area which would be approximately 1 mile. Water and snacks will be located throughout the area.
Event Format: This match will provide realistic hunting scenarios from natural terrain in Arizona high desert environment. Target distances ranging from 100 to 1000 yards and everything in between. Every stage will have one clearly marked target. Most targets will be 2 MOA and a few to test the ability of equipment and yourself. The pro shooter will shoot first under normal time and condition standards. Once the stage is completed, set gear to the side and then remain on stage to coach the AM. AM may observe the pro during the stage but cannot assist in any way. AM will be given the same guidance and coaching as a skills class shooter when they start the stage. Please familiar yourself with the NRL 2025 rules. Plan on completing 16 stages total with 10 the first day and 6 the second. Total round count to be approximately 128 rounds plus more for site in and side stages. 100 yd Zero range will be available on Friday. No extended distances available so proof your dope before you come.
Divisions: Pro: Individual that has shot 70% or higher at any NRL/PRS/ CD event. Any Rifle that meets the open heavy rules. All Pros will shoot in open heavy regardless of rifle meeting other divisions rules. (light and factory rifles are sub 16lbs so yes, they meet open heavy rules) The overall decision is given to the Match Director to relocate you to the appropriate division if you sign up in the wrong place.
AM: Individual with desire to learn and be coached. Any rifle that falls within the SKILLS division is accepted. The overall decision is given to the Match Director to relocate you to the appropriate division if you sign up in the wrong place.
Team: Normal TEAM division Rules. See NRL 2025 Season Rules
RO: Will shoot in one of the divisions above and eligible for awards below. Shoot the entire course Friday and then work at needs of the MD rest of weekend.
Awards: PRO: 2025 season Open Heavy points, prize table and trophies
AM: Prize table and Trophies.
Team: 2025 season team points, Team prize table and trophies
Top PRO/AM: combined score trophies.
If you have an amateur or pro you want to shoot with include them in the notes during registration and we will put you together provided they fall within the guidelines above. If you don’t have a partner, no worries, we will assign partners once filled. No refunds will be available but if you need to sell your slot just keep us in the loop and we can adjust as needed.
Weather: prepare for everything from 20 degrees with snow to 75 and sunny.
Vender booths and side stages: will be available to the competitors on Friday during check-in and they again on Sunday during awards. Yes, the Special Operations Warrior Foundation Wolf hunt will be back as well as a couple other extracurricular activities.
To help us reward and better secure quality ROs during the 2-day event, vetted individuals will be offered a complimentary match slot for the opportunity to complete all stages in 1-day timeframe (on the RO Shoot Day), for points amongst the other hunters and for prize eligibility. The opportunity at this is set to take place on the competitor Check-in Day.
*If you’re interested in ROing this event, please submit to the following RO Application: HERE. Anyone may apply, however, space is limited and not guaranteed. Those who volunteer to RO but are not selected will have the option to purchase a slot.
If you’d like to tag us on social media, we welcome you to use the hashtags #NRLHUNTERPROAM #NRLHunter #EveryEthicalEdge.
We’re looking forward to hosting you and helping you gain every ethical edge
- 7:00AM – RO competitor safety briefing (Mandatory)
- 12:00PM – 5:00PM – Hunter Check-in/Weigh-in/Velocity/Zero.
- 6:30AM – MANDATORY Hunter Safety Briefing
- 7:30AM – Competitor shuttled to staging area.
- 8:00AM – Start of match
- 7:00AM – Shuttle for hunters on stages
- 8:00AM – Start of match
- 1:00PM – Intended time of Day 2 completion (this will vary)
- Awards and lunch begin immediately after match completion.