For the match, hunters can expect 20-22 stages at distances ~200-900 yards, for a minimum round count of 88 and max round count of 176.
For this match, there will be no refunds, however, if you need to sell your slot just keep us in the loop and we can adjust as needed.
PROMOTION: Free youth (up to 2) with adult spot, please contact the MD to redeem this promotion.
IF you’re interested in ROing this event, please submit to the following RO Application: coming soon. Anyone may apply, however, space is limited and not guaranteed.
To help us reward quality ROs during the 2-day event, vetted individuals will be offered a complimentary slot for an opportunity to complete all stages in 1-day timeframe (on the RO Shoot Day). This will be for points amongst the other hunters and for prize eligibility. The opportunity at this is set to take place on the competitor Check-in Day.
Friday, June 7th
- 11:00 AM- 5:00 PM
- Weight and Sight in. Zero range and targets to distance
- Come check out the vendor booths and side matches
Saturday, June 8th
- 7:00 AM safety meeting
- 7:30 AM head to stages
- 8:00 AM begin shooting (12 Stages)
- 11:30 AM Lunch provided
Sunday, June 9th
- Start on your next stage and begin shooting at 7:00 AM
- Awards will be on site