Check in/Zero Location: Ranches at Belt Creek 277 Armington Rd Belt, MT 59412
Match Location: Bearcat Ranch HWY 89 between mile marker 59 and 60 GPS coordinates: 47.19032, -110.91847
West side of highway
We’re excited to welcome you to The Defiance anTi Social, presented by Defiance Machine. The match will be held in the Little Belt Mountains, 30 minutes east of Great Falls. This is a match you’ll want to attend! The prize table was stacked and the course of fire was epic! Thanks to all of the generous sponsors, this year is shaping up to be the same!
This match will be open to 110 individual competitors and 12 teams, testing their mental fortitude and resolve in realistic hunting-type scenarios. Course of fire will include 18 stages. The maximum round count is 144. Bring extra rounds for zero, power factor, etc. Max range of targets will be 1,000 yards. The round trip walk for the entire course of fire is approximately 2 miles. The range is at 5,000 feet elevation so please by prepared with cold weather gear in case of inclement weather. Lunch will be provided on Saturday and dinner will be provided at the awards ceremony on Sunday. May in Montana can often mean highly unpredictable weather that includes snow and high wind. This high-altitude location, in the picturesque Little Belt Mountains, provides a beautiful backdrop for a perfect weekend of shooting and socialization. We look forward to hosting you at this great venue in everyone’s favorite state, Montana.
If you are an adult shooting the match and have a young gun that you would like to compete at the match as well, please contact the match director for information.
Match Director:
Seth McAnally
No refunds will be available.
We are still seeking a few good RO’s for the match. If you’d like the opportunity to compete and RO the match, please contact the match director for details.
ROs WILL BE ELIGIBLE FOR POINTS & PRIZES AT THIS EVENT. In the process of rewarding and securing quality ROs during the 2-day event, they have been offered the opportunity to complete all stages in a 1-day timeframe (on the RO Shoot Day), for points amongst the other hunters and prize eligibility. Their opportunity at this is set to take place on the competitor Check-in Day. ROs have been secured at least 30 days from the event, where the difference in the weather forecast between the days is unknown.
If you’d like to tag us on social media, we welcome you to use the hashtags #defianceantisocial #NRLHunter #EveryEthicalEdge.
We’re looking forward to hosting you and helping you gain every ethical edge
- 6:30AM – RO competitor safety briefing/zero
- 7:30AM – ROs shoot for points amongst all hunters and are eligible for prizes (all stages)
- 3PM – Weigh-in/Velocity at Check-in Table immediately after completion
- 10AM – 4PM – Check-in, Weigh-in, Velocity
- 10AM – 4PM – Zero Rifle
- 10AM – 4PM – Vendor Day
- 7:00AM – Hunter Safety Briefing
- 7:30AM – Hunters to Stages
- 7:45AM – Intended time to begin hunting steel (12 Stages)
- Lunch Provided
- 4PM – Intended time of Day 1 completion
- 7:30AM – Hunters on stages
- 8:00AM – Intended time to begin hunting steel (6 Stages)
- 12:00PM – Intended time of Day 2 completion
- Awards begin immediately after match completion. Meal Provided.
- Location of Awards: Black Eagle Community Center, Black Eagle