APR 25 – 27, 2025
ADDRESS – 1838 Middle Calmar Rd, Decorah, IA 52101
COST: $250 Individual / $500 Team / $150 Skills
The Caldwell Little Hunt on the Prairie will be a 3 day event for hunters and competitors to enjoy.
I wish to Thank Caldwell Shooting Supplies for being our 2025 Title Sponsor.
The match is located in the rolling hills around Decorah Iowa and Directed by Jim See of Elite Accuracy LLC.
We have consistently provided an event that includes great shooting, great food, and excellent customer satisfaction.
It will consist of 16-18 stages, so prepare accordingly. Round count will be ~72-144 rounds, depending on your skill level completing each stage with either 1st round impacts, vs misses/2nd round impacts, but bring extra for getting velocity/PF for your tiebreaker, and zero’ing your rifle. The COF will consist of vital sized steel plates and animal shaped steel plates with the added realism of animal placards to assist in finding vital steel targets. Some targets will be full sized animals with a vital sized “score” plate. No targets will exceed 800 yards and most will be between 200-600.
We typically conclude each days shooting around 3pm, we will have a dinner at awards Sunday. Saturday you may wish to bring snacks with you for nourishment if you need it. Decorah and Calmar have some great craft breweries, and excellent restaurants, the area also has numerous trout streams. I encourage you to do some research online for afternoon entertainment while you are in the area.
No refunds will be available but if you need to sell your slot just keep us in the loop and we can adjust as needed.
IF you’re interested in ROing this event, please submit to the following RO Application: COMING SOON Anyone may apply, however, space is limited and not guaranteed.
To help us reward quality ROs during the 2-day event, vetted individuals will be offered a complimentary slot for an opportunity to complete all stages in 1-day timeframe (on the RO Shoot Day). This will be for points amongst the other hunters and for prize eligibility. The opportunity at this is set to take place on the competitor Check-in Day.
If you’d like to tag us on social media, we welcome you to use the hashtags #LittleHuntOnThePrairie #NRLH#NRLHunter #EveryEthicalEdge.
We’re looking forward to hosting you and helping you gain every ethical edge
- Early Morning RO Shoot Day (for points & prizes amongst all hunters)
- 1:00 PM-6:00PM: Mandatory Hunter Check-in/Weigh-in/Velocity/Zero Range/Some Steel Targets at the Lodge
- 7:30AM – Hunter Arrival
- 8:00AM – Hunter Safety Briefing
- 8:30AM – Intended time to head to the ranges
- Bring your own Snacks (pack out what you pack in)
- 3:00PM – Intended Conclusion of Day 1 hunting
- Decorah and Calmar have some great craft breweries and excellent restaurants for after Day 1.
- 7:30AM – Hunter Arrival and go straight to Stage
- 8:00AM – Intended time to begin hunting steel
- 2:00PM – Awards & Dinner begin immediately after match completion
- Awards Location: At Lodge